Mission Statement:MASL engages the school library community by providing opportunities for growth, leadership, innovation, and advocacy. Core Values:
MASL’s Vision for the Future:
MASL Meetings:The MASL Executive Board meets monthly. All MASL members are welcomed and encouraged to attend these meetings. Every effort will be made to advertise meeting times and dates a week in advance. Meetings will be posted on the calendar. Participants can log in via the web portal to the meeting. Executive Board Positions:Elections are held annually in the spring. A call for nominations is made each year around February. Elections are held using an anonymous electronic voting link. If you are a member in good standing, you will receive a link to vote. President:The president is a 3-year term consisting of:
President-Elect collaborates with the President to learn the role of the President, and assists and supports the President as needed. The President-Elect shall automatically become President at the end of the term as President-Elect. Secretary:The secretary is a 2-year position and is responsible for correspondence and taking notes at the monthly MASL meetings. Treasurer:The treasurer is a 2-year term. The treasurer balances the MASL budget,deposits and disburses funds, files tax forms, and pays invoices. Member-at-Large:The member-at-large represents interests of the general membership at Executive Board meetings. The Members-at-large work with members of the executive board on projects and are members of the executive board. This is a 1-year term. There are 3 members-at-large elected yearly and a variety of geographic region representation is encouraged. Delegate:The delegate is a 2-year position. The Delegate serves as a representative to AASL and reports back to MASL. This position involves: